Let the Scientists Speak

How CDC Experts Have Been Sidelined During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anita Desikan, Taryn MacKinney, Gretchen Goldman

Published May 19, 2020

Cover of the UCS fact sheet Let the Scientists Speak

Compared with epidemics that occurred during previous administrations, scientists in the Trump administration have given proportionally fewer press briefings about COVID-19, have spoken much less of the time during press briefings than the president, and have even been prevented from speaking publicly.

And as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the agency that should be leading the fight against COVID-19—has gone silent since early March, the president has been speaking about the disease more.

The public deserves to hear the most up-to-date information science has to offer, not harmful misinformation from political officials.


Desikan, Anita, Taryna MacKinney, Gretchen Goldman. 2020. Let the Scientists Speak: How CDC Experts Have Been Sidelined During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists. http://v0j.kievgirl.com/resources/let-scientists-speak